A note from Mr Jackson

5/6 Learning Area Challenged at Quantum Victoria 

While learning at school can be rich and stimulating, it is also valuable to visit our community and learn from the world around us. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week, students from the 5/6 Learning Area visited Quantum Victoria, a leading center in STEM education. They learned a great deal about the experiences of First Nations’ peoples during both the pre colonisation and colonisation periods. After learning about the traditional life of some First Nations’ peoples, students interacted with an Australian landscape using Minecraft. Groups of students collaborated to survive, planting crops and learning to store food. After a break for lunch, students returned to find their lands divided by fences and strange animals. Chaos followed much to the frustration of our students. Thanks to all who helped make this wonderful experience happen. 


Updated Mobile Phone Policy 

On Monday night, the School Council received and updated the Mobile Phone Policy. This policy is mandated across schools in Victoria. It seeks to release the constant pressure on students to engage and interact on social media. It also encourages students to be present and attentive in learning and relationships at school. Currently, all mobile phones are presented to the front office and kept safe, ready to be returned at the end of school. This practice is now commonplace in our community. With technical progress around mobile devices, smart watches or any other device that has similar functionality to a mobile phone has also been included in this policy.  Any student who has such a device is asked to not bring it to school or hand it in at the office prior to school and pick it up in the afternoon. Please do not hesitate to speak with me if you have any questions. 


Harmony Day 21 March  

On Tuesday 21 March, Harmony Day was held across Australia. At Rosanna Primary School, this saw students and staff dress in orange as well as celebrate diversity with activities in their classrooms. I had the privilege of teaching 56T that morning and we discussed the origins of Harmony Day. The day marks the date of the Sharpville massacre in South Africa and celebrates what the UN have called the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Students struggled with Australia’s celebration of Harmony Day alongside of the emphasis of anti-discrimination. While this day should celebrate the rich diversity in our community, it should also remind us of the ongoing work to be done to combat racism and racial discrimination in our world and in our local communities. Thanks to all those who participated. 


FORPS and TheirCare Picnic - A Real Winner 

Many described it as the best picnic ever! Mums, dads, grandparents and even pets, enjoyed Friday nights’ picnic on the oval. Everyone enjoyed a classy and inclusive barbecue put on by FORPS and hosted by TheirCare. A special thanks to the mums, dads and carers who turned burgers on the barbeque and contributed to organising the evening. While rich conversations were enjoyed by adults, children were encouraged to demonstrate their creative abilities by painting a mural. It was a delight to see so many enjoy the night and relax together. These gatherings seem to have become an important connecting place for so many. Thanks again to FORPS and the TheirCare team for making it all happen. 


Your Voice Matters 

A reminder to those who have yet to contribute to the school review that a survey is available online. This survey will only take a few minutes to complete. If you have not been a part of the parent focus groups, then please consider sharing your thoughts in this easy manner. The survey will be open until Friday next week.  


Survey Link 



Planning Week Next Week 

Planning Week is a chance for staff to reshape the timetable and maximise the time our teachers can collaborate to review term 1 and turn towards term two. Teachers are allocated a day to plan and evaluate their learning programmes.    


Monday - 3/4 Learning Area 

Tuesday - 5/6 Learning Area 

Wednesday - 1/2 Learning Area 

Thursday - Prep Learning Area 


While restructuring our timetable can be disruptive, the benefits gained from enabling staff to plan together make the disruption worthwhile.      


School Council Meeting 

On Monday night, parents and staff gathered for the Annual General Meeting of the School Council. They received the Annual Report which will shortly be available online. An ordinary meeting of the council was held directly afterwards. It was an opportunity to welcome the newest members of the group as well as orientate the team around the child safe standards. Importantly, the council heard from the Junior School Council who opened the meeting with the Acknowledgement of Country. They reported on the important work they were doing across the school.  


Two items of discussion included the current traffic congestion in the neighbourhood during peak pick up and drop off times, as well as the ongoing actions to support the replacement of the admin building. The meeting received reports from subcommittees regarding finance, the principal’s report, facilities, promotion, education and the canteen. New committees were established for the coming year and membership defined. 


We are thankful of our 2023 School Council which is made up of the following parents and staff: 


Monica Dalla Torre

Anthony Sinclair

Kristen Munro

Jacquie MacNeill

Kylie Essex

Jane Banovac

Jaquie Arbuckle

Ange Romas

Nathan Hinks

Mark Etheridge

Chanelle Mellor

Jeff Jackson

Eleanor Kaiser

Shannon Mitchell

Lynda Whitechurch

Bronnie Brasch



While we were forced to cancel assembly last week due to the wet asphalt, we are eager to present 'Students of the Week' Awards and hear from our classes during this week’s assembly. If there is inclement weather on Friday we will head to the hall for the gathering.  


Next term, our assemblies will revert to Friday afternoons rather than the mornings.