Year 1 News

Letter Writing

From Karen, Year 1 teacher


Year 1 has been learning to write letters, invitations as well as information reports. We have read books such as 'The day the crayons quit' and 'Can I be your dog?' to build our understanding about how to write a good letter. Students then wrote letters to those closest to them: their community, their friends as well as to their toys. 


When writing an information report, students have learned facts about koalas with their teachers, from reading several National Geography books on koalas. The students then wrote an information report on this Australian native animal, detailing their habitat, diet, interesting facts, drew a labelled diagram as well as designed a front cover for report booklet. 





In math, we have been learning to collect data, constructing bar graphs and pictographs to represent the data. The students enjoyed designing an open-ended question, such as 'what is your favourite ice cream flavour' and surveying their peers.