Message from Principal Sarah

From Sarah Nightingale, Principal 

It’s hard to believe we are now more than halfway through Term 1 and what a busy term it has been! 

Events, Events and More Events!

We have seen our new preps settle into school and begin full time attendance, we welcomed families to our Information Evening in week 3, our Year 4 students enjoyed Anglesea for their camp experience, our Year 5 and 6 students participated in District Swimming, and this week our Year 6 students are away in Canberra. 

Weather event captured by Kimalee
Weather event captured by Kimalee


These are just a few of the events we have participated and run over the last five weeks, however the list goes on. I would like to thank everyone who has planned, organised and participated in these events. Without the support of the whole school community, we wouldn’t be able to run these programs.


We have many more exciting events ahead of us this term including our Classroom Helpers Training Program this Friday, NAPLAN for our Years 3 & 5 students in week 7, our Harmony Day Picnic that the Parents & Friends Association is organising on Tuesday 21st March and our Parent/Teacher Interviews in week 9. Please keep an eye open on Compass or in upcoming newsletters for more information on these events.


Respectful School Communities start with Respectful Behaviour

Our goal at North Melbourne Primary School is to foster a supportive and empathetic community culture. Parents and school staff, as the NMPS community, have equal responsibility in making this happen, ensuring adults in our school community treat each other with respect and kindness.  




The Department of Education and Training has a policy that describes the positive behaviour expected from parents, carers, and other adults in Victorian school communities. The policy sets clear standards of behaviour to create a safe, respectful, and inclusive learning environment for students, staff and adults. 


The expected standards of behaviours apply to different school settings. This includes at school, camps, excursions, school events, outdoor activities, online learning and other places online related to schools, such as email correspondence.  



Please ensure you are interacting with our staff at NMPS in a respectful, kind and supportive manner.