Year 5/6

This week we have been focussing on persuasive writing and using powerful statements to support our arguments, e.g. 'You know I'm right', 'Just think about it', 'We can't let this go'. We have tried to include more persuasive language such as, 'for that reason', 'clearly', 'definitely and 'certainly' in our writing as well.  The students have written about a variety of topics and we have included some of the students pieces today. In next week's newsletter we will include some more examples. We have also used the laptops to practise our typing using Word to help prepare for the upcoming NAPLAN tests. 


Why You Should Do Chores

 by Darcy Shipcott

I think you should do chores because it is your contribution to your parents’ house. As a child you don’t have to pay rent or pay off your parents’ house, so doing chores is the least you can do. It may not be as fun as playing on electronics but it helps your family out a lot. When your parents tell you to do something listen to them. They are the ones that look after you, be a helpful kid.


When you do chores, you sometimes get paid which means you have money to buy thing you might want. For instance, I am saving for a new cricket bat and footy boots. If you like sport, and you need some gear, doing chores may be the way to get the money.


If you don’t get paid in money you might get treats as your pay, sometimes a hard day of work gets you pizza for dinner. You have to like a meat lover pizza, right?


When you do chores, your parents will be happy with you, and after a while, doing chores will become a habit to do your chores without being asked. When that becomes a habit, it will make you happy. Your parents work very hard to put a roof over your head, food on the table and clothes on your back.


To me doing chores are relaxing. When I do the mowing, I put my wireless ear buds on and listen to music while I mow the lawns. By the way I bought those ear buds with my chore money. Doing the mowing is so relaxing because you can just ride around the yard, and when your done you can look at the pattern you made. It feels really good when your Mum and Dad say well done about the mowing, I also do the whipper snipping around the fences and garden beds.


Finally, you can learn life lessons when you do chores. You learn to mow the lawns and how to save money if I didn’t do the chores I would be inside all day. If you carry on, you not wanting to do your chores it will take longer. Whereas if you get them over and done with it will be quicker. I love doing chores it is my quiet time you should start to do them and love them with me! 



I’m here to tell you why you should not do chores!             

By Jack Quinn

Your parents tell to do chores so they can have free time. When you’re working, they are inside on their phone texting to other parents or sleeping, reading or relaxing. Like don’t you get tired of getting told to do this and do that all the time. Soon you’ll be sleeping outside in a tent wakening up at 6:00 o’clock and doing chores all day long for a full week. That’s just crazy! 


Are you getting paid for all your chores? If not, DON’T DO THEM….. It’s simple.   Doesn’t it get annoying? 


One time, I was playing ‘Roblox’ and guess what I got asked to a chore again. Annoyingly, I had to hop of my iPod and go and do it. Sadly, it was doing the dishes for ten minutes straight. It felt like soooooo long, because it was a long ten minutes. I would be happy if it had of been at least one minute. This is why I don’t do chores.

I hope I have convinced you not to do chores anymore!           


Play time should be longer 

By Holly Lewis 

I think that Play time should be longer. I think this because we sit inside and work really hard to learn but then we have a short amount of time to play and get fresh air.

To begin with, I think half an hour to eat and catch up with friends and also play and connect with them is not long enough. As by the time you get home you unpack your bag, have a rest and go to bed then school is on in the morning you don’t get long enough to see them. We never have time to play or relax our brain. We could also do work outside for more fresh air. Its so hard to sit in class full of energy and then not have enough time to let it out!!!


Also, on sport days we should have more sport time to stay fit and healthy. We do still need learning time but this is too much especially for grade one two and three students. They are always wriggling around in their seat they should do more learning out side or get more lunch and reassess time. What if you wanted to play a basketball game and you didn’t have enough time to play or even sort out the teams and start its to hard to finish a game?


In conclusion, we should get more play time to interact and play with friends.