Year F/1

This week has been an exciting week in the F/1 room. We have been very busy working away on tasks and it has been wonderful to see the students giving their best and working hard. 

The Foundation students have continued their work on the sounds 'n, o, p' and they have gained so much confidence. We have been building words and making sound swaps to change the word, for example we had sat and changed it to mat. The students know what to do and it is amazing seeing how proud they are of themselves. We have been working hard on writing these letters as well and they are doing a super job.

The year 1's had a quick review of the sounds 'sh, ch, wh, ng and q u' then we moved on to the sound 'ae' and all its different spellings. We have focused on the spellings 'ay, ai, ea, and a-e'. The students have loved looking at these sounds and spelling a range of different words. 

We are very lucky to have Emily Crawford in our class each Wednesday this term. When Emily joined us this week she had some fun working on our maths topic, length. Emily worked with the year 1's where they had to estimate the length of their foot using unifix blocks, counters, and paper clips. After estimating they had to accurately measure their foot. 

The Foundation students had a look at items that were longer and shorter than their foot.