Around the College

Year 12 Retreat Day

Guided by retreat leaders and homeroom teachers, our Year 12 students set aside some time today to stop and take a break from the mayhem of Year 12, to reflect on their lives, who they are becoming and their personal relationships with self, family, friends and God.


Amongst the day's activities, our students heard from Sam Clear, a well-known international speaker, who shared his experiences walking 15,000 km’s around the world promoting Christian unity. The message to the students was one of unity, love and trust. Sam spoke about building relationships, determination in the face of adversity and the power of prayer.


A great experience to highlight this week's character strength of bravery!

Year 12 Drama Excursion

Last night some of our Year12 Drama students were granted the opportunity to see Keziah Warner's scintillating gothic drama based on the iconic 1922 silent film Nosferatu, at the Malthouse Theatre. They had the joy of attending a professional theatre piece at night in one of Melbourne's lively and vibrant performing arts venues.






Year 8 Enhancement STEM

February 28th saw our Year 8 Enhancement STEM students assist the Monash University Centre for Learning Analytics (CoLAM) with their groundbreaking studies into the role of AI in education futures.


This is just the latest in a series of research partnerships between Monash University and Mazenod. Inspiring the next generation of leading researchers.

Year 7 Camp