Repeated: Start and End of the Day

Classrooms open from 8.45am each morning

A reminder that classrooms are now open for students to enter, put their bag away and get set up for the day from 8.45am each morning. Students can choose a quiet activity such as setting up their table, reading a book or talking with a friend.

No ball games before and after school

It is quite busy before and after school with students, families and younger siblings in the yard. To keep everybody safe, we are implementing a 'no ball games before or after school' rule, starting from next week.


There is still lots of time to enjoy ball games such as downball and basketball during recess and lunchtime!


This new rule will be discussed with students in class and we would appreciate families reiterating this message at home and with their children in the yard.


Riding bikes and scooters in the yard

A reminder that students (and families) must always walk their bike or scooter when they are inside the yard, even if there is no-one else in the yard. Please remind your child about this rule, and it's importance in keeping everyone safe, as students are also getting lots of reminders at school. 


We appreciate your support in this.