
What does kindness look like? A gesture? A greeting? Words of encouragement? Sharing time with someone who needs a friend? It can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.

Can you recall a time when someone showed you kindness? It can have a lasting impact on your life!

Yesterday Mr Petkovic shared a message in Worship about Kindness as we continue our theme of ‘Fruit of the Spirit’. 

He reminded us that a warm greeting of ‘Good morning’ with a follow up of ‘how are you’? can make a difference in peoples’ lives...  Listening to one another is one way to show you care.

Mr Humphrys spoke about love at the beginning of the term. Isn’t it interesting that the different ‘fruit of the Spirit’ are ways (or tastes) we can show love. 

Love is patient, love is kind… 1 Corinthians 13:4a 

Kindness is a choice. Sometimes we might be feeling a little tired and for some reason or another, we don’t feel like sharing the fruit of kindness to others… But when we do it anyway, the results can be far reaching. (Remembering the love and kindness that God showers on us each day is a big help!)

Mr Petkovic pointed out the ‘Random acts of kindness foundation’ and encouraged us to do or say something kind for someone else... By the end of yesterday some people were already sharing stories of people showing kindness! 

Who might you show a ‘random act of kindness to today’? 

God bless you with his love and kindness,


Georgie Schuster

KAPS Youth Event

On Sunday the 29 May, we held our first KAPS, (Kids and Parents), youth event. The afternoon was filled with board games, big games, worship and to finish a pizza dinner with ice-cream for dessert. It also included a kids vs parents big game where the kids reigned supreme, causing the parents to perhaps cheat a little… Overall, it was a fantastic evening and we are all keen for the next one on June 26.

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