Humanities Department

Finuala Neeson

Year 10 Geography excursion

Last Friday, the Year 10 cohort travelled to Port Fairy to investigate the coastal erosion in person and to complete field work on this  subject. We got the chance to take photos of strategies to prevent coastal erosion such as groynes and large rocks. We reviewed the coastline and our surroundings on a walk to the lighthouse. The highlight of the trip was the "break time" when we got to purchase lunch from the various cafes down the main street! 


Thank You to Mr Beks, Mr Harms, Mrs Riddle, Mrs Vearing and Mr Wheaton!

Year 10 Geography – Guest Speaker


Last Friday, our Year 10 Geography students travelled to Port Fairy for a field study on coastal erosion. Regular visitors to Port Fairy over the years may have noticed some changes to the coastline, particularly on East Beach. There is no longer the beach area that there once was, and there is evidence along the coastline of processes in place to attempt to prevent further damage to the coastline.


Following on from our field trip, we had a guest speaker come and talk to the Year 10s on Wednesday. Mr. Heinz de Chelard, an Environmental Engineer, spoke to our students about the impacts of erosion on Port Fairy’s coastline and the strategies that have been put in place to date, with the aim of preventing further erosion along the coast.


Mr. de Chelard shared his knowledge and engineering expertise about the impact of coastal erosion in Port Fairy, and the various hard and soft engineering improvements that have been implemented along the coastline.


On behalf of the Year 10 Geography teachers and students, thank you Heinz for sharing your expertise on this topic.


Mrs. Lia Mailes