Principal's Report 

Jonathan Rowe 

Dear Parents and Carers,


As Term one comes to an end this week, we are grateful for it being the first term in two years that schools have not had to disperse into remote learning.


As this term unfolded and more normal school days resumed, we also experienced the journey through the season of Lent with its regular reminders of the origins of our Christian beliefs. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday. The following reflection, by Michael McGirr, explores what this day and the commencement of Holy Week may mean in the lives of Christians today. 


This cup came with a guarantee that it can keep your drink either hot or cold. It reminds us of the mob in the time of Jesus. On Palm Sunday they were hot. By Good Friday they were cold. On Sunday they were calling “Hosanna!” On Friday they were shouting “Crucify him!” What happened in such a short time? One answer is that it was becoming clear to their so-called leaders what Jesus was really on about. People who were used to creating fear were themselves becoming afraid. Jesus was a threat to those in power. 


We all run hot and cold. We have to accept ourselves as human beings and know our limitations. We all know fear. Holy Week reminds us that faith is a long story, not just a week.  We walk with Jesus (from a Christian perspective) in good times and bad. Some days it feels like people are laying down cloaks to make the way easier. Other days it feels like we are being stripped bare. 


Year 7 Coordinator

Mrs. Merrin Shannon has decided to step down from her Year 7 Co-ordination role and concentrate on her Head of Boarding duties. I sincerely thank Mrs. Shannon for the two years of excellent leadership and care she has provided. Mrs. Shannon has made a significant contribution, during the difficult circumstances of Covid-19, remote learning, and increasing student wellbeing challenges.


I have recently appointed Mrs. Jane Nankivell as the new Year 7 Co-ordinator. Mrs Nankivell brings a new energy and enthusiasm,  I am delighted she has accepted this role.



Covid impacted the school quite significantly last week with many students and a number of staff away. It is a timely reminder that we should not become complacent and continue to follow the guidelines to protect ourselves and each other. I understand Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) will be made available for the first 4 weeks of Term 2 and the school will distribute these during the first week of Term 2.  We will continue to ask students to test twice a week. With the onset of colder weather and a likely increase in colds/flu, these RATs are valuable in determining the health status of our students. If your child is unwell, please keep them home. 


A reminder, Term 2 resumes Tuesday 26 April.


A Lenten Poem by Joyce Rupp

The cosmos dreams in me while I wait in stillness, ready to lean a little further into the heart of the Holy.

I, a little blip of life, a wisp of unassuming love, a quickly passing breeze, come once more into Lent.

No need to sign me with the black bleeding ash of palms, fried and baked. I know my humus place.

This Lent I will sail on the graced wings of desire, yearning to go deeper to the place where I am one in the One.

Oh, may I go there soon, in the same breath that takes me to the stars when the cosmos dreams in me.


May your Easter be a blessed time for you and your family.


Kind regards,


Jonathan Rowe
