Leadership Report
COVID-19 continues to impact the whole community and that's definitely the case at Magill School. Staff absences remain constant and although we've managed to cover most absences with minimal disruption, this may change over the coming weeks as it is becoming increasingly difficult to find staff to cover short and long term absences.
I can assure you that our priority is to maintain continuity of learning for our students but there may be occasions when we have to make decisions that impact on the learning program to ensure that we can fulfil our duty of care.
Our staff are doing an amazing job providing a quality learning program despite the constant staffing changes and restrictions in place. They also have families and loved ones and deal with the same stresses and pressures that everyone is dealing with. I'm very grateful and proud of their efforts as I'm sure you all are.
It is vital that children who have even the mildest symptoms of COVID-19 do not come to school until they are symptom-free. We need to keep our school as safe as possible for all staff and students and so we will send students home who present with mild symptoms. I understand that these symptoms are also similar to hay fever and colds but we can't tell the difference and so we ask that you do not send them to school until they are well.
AGM- the Magill School AGM is being held on Wednesday 30th March at 6:30pm. If you wish to attend, you must book a ticket using the link below:
Learning Conversations - we are planning to hold Learning Conversations from Monday 4th - Thursday 7th April, 2022. We are in the process of finalising details as it is very tricky to organise sessions with the current restrictions in place. We hope to be able to offer them face-to-face. More information will be distributed early next week.
Pupil Free Day - Monday 4th April is a Pupil Free Day so our staff can spend the day furthering their knowledge and skills in teaching mathematics. OSHC is open and there is more information in the OSHC page of the newsletter.
Kind regards,
John Iannunzio