House and interschool competitions

State Swimming
Congratulations to our swimmers in the 16 year old relay team – Jordyn Dobbyn, Shylo Lothian, Millie Bennett and Mackenzie Nowak. The relay team competed and represented MGSC on Thursday 28 April at MSAC as part of the State Swimming Championships. The relay team finished fifth which was a tremendous achievement.
Australian Rules Football
Junior, Intermediate and Senior Australian Rules football teams participated in the Beachside Round Robin competitions on Tuesday 3 May. The Seniors and Juniors were together at Le Page Reserve and the Intermediates at Highett Reserve. The Seniors had a exemplary day keeping their opposition - Mac.Rob and Cheltenham scoreless. The Juniors also had a good win and both teams will progress to the next stage. Intermediates competed valiantly but won't progress to the next level.
Seniors Netball
On Monday 2 May the Seniors took to the netball court against Elwood, Albert Park, Glen Eira, Cheltenham and Mac.Rob secondary schools and can came away undefeated. An impressive result. There is more competition ahead for this team.
MGSC Cross Country is coming
The last of our House sporting events will be held on Tuesday 10 May. This is compulsory for all students in Year 7 – 9 which will involve a run/walk around the internal boundaries of the College before proceeding around the block. The course finishes back inside the College on the oval. Further details has been published on Compass to students and MGSC community with some information and a map regarding the course, meeting points and timings.
Unfortunately, as this is not a full school event, parents are unable to attend this event.
Students in Year 7 to 9 are allowed to come to school in full and correct PE uniform. Students in Year 11 to 12 who have registered interest, will need to change at recess prior to the race and then back into school uniform at the completion of the race before returning to class.
Ms Ilana Parker
Interschool Sport & College House Coordinator