Student Leadership

ANZAC day commemorations
ANZAC day was recognised on the first day of term with a brief ceremony broadcast into classrooms through the public address system. College Captains, Isobel Long and Olivia Gryszan, led proceedings, speaking about the Gallipoli experience and reading the Ode of Remembrance. The Last Post and Reveille were played by Lou Thomas. Despite not being able to hold all-school assemblies in term 1, this simple ceremony was a fitting tribute which united our community.
Student Voice and Advocacy
Hello MGSC Students,
We hope the school year has been a fun and successful one so far, and that everyone is enjoying themselves!
We are starting a new student lead article, that will be included in our school newsletter, where we have the opportunity to share student success at MGSC. To illustrate, it is a space where we can acknowledge different leadership teams, clubs and individuals who achieve or work towards the development of something special and unique.
We want YOUR input!
We would like to ask our student cohort to share any news or updates they have, regarding their achievements and projects with us, and we will make sure to address you in the next Newsletter! You can find us at our email
Look out for future updates!
The Student Voice and Advocacy Team