Principal's message

Dear MGSC community
We kicked off this week with the Information Evening for prospective students. There were approximately 550-600 people in attendance on the night. Events such as this are terrific as we can highlight what makes our school a special place to be and raises our profile in the community. This evening, together with the school tours, provides the wider community with a glimpse into what an outstanding single-sex government school looks like.
I am sure that all MGSC parents and carers recall what it was like in the lead-up to selecting the right school for their daughters. Many years ago, I was also making that decision as the mother of two girls. My daughters have passed through their secondary school years and are now confident young women in their chosen professions.
Personally, I chose a girls’ school for my daughters because I wanted them to be confident in their own abilities and to have the best chance of finding their own path without feeling defined by a pre-determined stereotype. Growing up in today’s cyber-connected society can be challenging enough for young girls without their self-esteem and self-image being destabilised by stereotypes that define what a girl is. As we all know, there is no one “type of girl”.
A parent asked me on the night why MGSC would be the right place for their child? My response was that MGSC is a school “where every girl from everywhere can experience success” – whether they live nearby or further afield. I am sure you would agree that we are more than just a local school. Like all other government schools, our school has a designated neighbourhood zone, but approximately 50% of our students come from outside of that zone. We have students travelling from over 45 different suburbs and there is a place here at MGSC for every girl, no matter what their interests and talents are. There are more opportunities for girls to be leaders in our school because a girl holds every position. In addition, girls are more likely to get involved in emerging technologies areas, such as the Robotics Club, in a single-sex educational environment.
In my mind, I am Principal of a rare jewel. We are one of five non-selective government girls’ schools in the State and the only government girls’ school in the south-eastern suburbs. In reality, we are the best-kept secret in the Victorian government education system. We are an affordable school with excellent results. Families do not need to pay considerable fees to send their daughters to our school and our students can do just as well as their counterparts in independent single-sex schools.
Our students are not cookie-cutter versions of each other and, because we see them as individuals, we design our learning environments to meet the needs of our students. This is why the STEAM Connect Centre was identified as a priority for the school last year. The project on the drawing board for 2022 is a school-funded Wellness Centre that will provide an environment where dance, yoga, and meditation can take place. We have chosen this as an area of focus this year because we are committed to nurturing the mind, body, and spirit of each of our students. The Wellness Centre is expected to be completed by the beginning of 2023. Over the next few months, I will share the plans with the school community. If you have not already donated to the building fund, I encourage you to do so as the funds that we raise will go towards this endeavour. It is also tax-deductable.
Of course, events such as the information evening don’t just happen. Therefore, I wish to give my thanks and appreciation to the following staff members: Detta Gordon, Tess Molina and the Year 7 speakers (Jemma, Amelia, Belle and Kayla), Carol Duggan, Dylan Reeves, Ilana Parker, Tim Veevers and the Symphonic Band, Stuart Campbell and the Funkadelics, Lily Shipham (Aerobics Captain) and the Year 7 Stage One aerobics team, Diana Gilbert, the Junior School Captains (Madelyn Lust and Mietta King), Fiona Faulkes, Jane Garrow, Kelly Lloyd-Vanni, Leigh Roberts and Gerry van den Berg for their attendance on the evening and/or their preparations for the event.
There were rehearsals for the House Performance at the end of last term and this week, which culminated in the House Performance Competition on Thursday. Our guest judge was Mack Moses (from the Voice) and the winning house was Jackson. There were group and solo performances in the area of voice. dance and drama as well as the mass-singing group. The students were not only supportive of their own House performances, but also were supportive of other houses.
I congratulate all of the House Captains who did a terrific job preparing the house members for the competition. I think it was one of the best house events I have seen at the school in my years here. The inclusivity of this school never ceases to amaze me.
Kind regards
Best wishes
Linda Brown