Middle School News

Year 10 BBQ
On the last day of term 1, Year 10 Students and their teachers were invited to share a BBQ. This BBQ lunch was a great opportunity for students to interact with each other and their teachers whilst enjoying the warm food. It is always great to see the students with smiles on their faces and celebrating the last day of term 1.
Work Experience week
Next week the Year 10 students undertake Work Experience. It is a great opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the working world and experience what different workplaces are like. Students have been preparing for this experience for the past few months and we are sure that they will gain a lot from the program. We wish all the Year 10s well.
Middle School Team
Year 9 Student Managers (by form group)
A, C, E, F (first half) - Sam Sleep
B, D, G, F (second half) - Phil Hull
Year 10 Student Managers (by student surname)
A - J - Emma Colmanet
K - Z - Teagan Dixon
Year 9 Assistant Principal - Detta Gordon
Year 10 Assistant Principal - Carol Duggan
Mental Health Practitioner - Fiona Vincent
Ms Amanda O'Hara (on leave until 23 May)
Director of Middle School