Library News

Short story dispenser
MGSC library has a short story dispenser on loan from the Kingston City Council throughout Term 2 to promote the importance of sharing stories in our lives and communities. Some facts about the dispenser:
- It has 1, 3 and 5 minute teen literature reads (12-19 years)
- It uses new and eco-friendly technology
- Students who write excellent short stories are encouraged to submit these to the library and may have these published on the dispenser.
- Kingston council are the first in Victoria to introduce these dispensers
It is great to see it being used by staff and students alike, with students courteously lining up during recess and lunch times to select a short story to read.
National Reconciliation Week
To celebrate National Reconciliation Week later this month, the library is hosting a colouring competition. Students are encouraged to enter the MGSC library colouring competition to win one of ten prizes by Indigenous Artists.
Pick up your competition form at the Library desk or from the Wellbeing office - you can enter as many times as you like. Be sure to note your name and class on the bottom of the page and submit your entries before Friday 27 May. Winners announced Wednesday 1 June.
Book Club
It was great to finally meet everyone at our term one book club gathering. The Downstairs girl was discussed, reviewed and unpacked with students providing some really thought provoking insights into this historical text.
Students have decided to read one of two texts for term two Book Club to cater for their individual reading preferences: years 7 & 8 will read 'The Hobbit Graphic Novel' and the years 9 to12 will read 'We Were Liars'. These books are available to loan from the library desk.
We Were Liars
The story of one family, one summer, and one act that may never be forgiven. 'Thrilling, beautiful and blisteringly smart...utterly unforgettable.” John Green
The Hobbit Graphic Novel
‘The enchanted prelude to The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit is the story of Bilbo Baggins, a quiet and contented hobbit whose life is turned upside down when he joins the wizard Gandalf and thirteen dwarves on their quest to reclaim stolen treasure. It is a journey fraught with danger-- and in the end it is Bilbo Baggins alone who must face the guardian of this treasure, the most dreaded dragon in all Middle-earth.’ Back cover blurb
Our next meeting will be Thursday, 16 June at Lunchtime (bring your lunch) in the Library Seminar Room. New members are welcome.
Kingston Library Young Adult Programs
There is a new Bookmark Competition from the City of Kingston, with fabulous prizes. Please visit their website for details about how to enter. Closes Saturday
The Kingston Council has two programs that target young adults in the areas of literacy and writing.
Young Writers Group
A fortnightly activity for teens aged 13 to 17 years old, interested in developing their creative writing. Develop your writing skills, share your work, and meet with other young writers.
YA Book Chat
Are you a fan of young adult books? Join other YA readers to chat all about the books you love, hate or recommend and everything in between.
Megan Tulloch-Nasir
and the Library team