Hello Clyde Community,


In this newsletter, we are showing our STA rewards.  Our STA rewards are given out to students who complete their STA charts by showing Respect, Responsibility and Resilience in our school.  Once the student has filled their STA charts, they will receive an award depending on the chart they have filled from their classroom teacher.  The charts are gold, diamond and platinum.  Each chart has three different stages.  You may hear your child say “I am on gold three”.  This means that they have filled their gold chart twice and will fill the chart for a third time before moving on to a diamond chart. 


Once a student has completed all three stages (gold three times, diamond three times and platinum three times) they will receive the STA band, which shows our school community that your child can show Respect, Responsibility and Resilience at Clyde Primary School.


This year using student voice and agency, the students will add feedback to the rewards to ensure that rewards are current for our student population.  If you have any questions about the rewards, please contact Mr Russell.