PLT News ...


Welcome back to Term 2!  The Foundation students have settled back into school routines after a fantastic Term 1 and relaxing first school holidays.  On our return to school, we have been revisiting our school expectations by going through our School Wide Positive Behaviour Matrix.  With lots of students now completing their first or second token boards, they are now enjoying their reward time, with sitting on the teachers chair a very popular choice (not so much with the teachers!).

We are continuing our learning of letter names and sounds, moving on to the next stage in our Little Learner’s Love Literacy Program.  We have also been working on blending our sounds together, using the letters we learnt in Term 1.  In Writing, we have been focusing on creating a full sentence with 4 important elements – Start with a capital letter; do the words make sense?  spacing out our words; ending with a full stop. 

In Mathematics, we have been practising our counting to and from 20.  We have loved using movement to help us remember how to count backwards.  We love listening to songs and dancing around to help us with our learning.  We are also looking forward to beginning some simple addition problems later in the term.  Foundation students have begun looking at Statistics and Data.  We have investigated yes/no questions and how we can represent our findings on a graph. 

We are looking forward to another fantastic, yet busy term with our Foundation students. They bring us such joy with their achievements and growth every day. 

The Foundation Teachers

Miss Naughton, Miss Davis, Miss Chand & Miss Edwards 



Year 2 in the land of Narratives! 

This term we have been busy exploring narratives during reading and writing. Students have had the opportunity to work individually and within small groups to create and develop interesting characters, descriptive settings, and exciting problems. As a class, we have read and re-created characters, settings, problems and resolutions for the familiar narratives:  The Three Little Pigs, Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. This week have been focusing on telling known stories from a different point of view, which means students choose a character from a story and re-write it from their perspective. We can’t wait to see where the rest of this term takes us!