Junior School Report

Message from the
Director of Learning -
Alice Paget
It has been a busy start to Term 2. The Year 7s have completed their NAPLAN and I would like to commend the cohort on the way they maintained their focus and continued to strive for their personal best through the 4 tests. It was also fantastic to see lots of junior school students and parents online for Parent-Teacher Conferences last week. Well done to everyone who was able to set aside some time to receive feedback and have discussions around their next steps to progress with their learning. Please try and take on board this feedback for the remainder of Term 2, striving to achieve your personal best in each of your subjects.
With the colder weather setting in, it would be a great time to invest in the Wool Blend Jumper. It is available from PSW, located at 1 Age Street, Cheltenham. This can also be worn under the spray jacket, to help keep the students warm.
Most recently the students have been very fortunate to take part in a few workshops, including self-care in Years 7 and 8 and an Elevate Education study skills workshop in Year 8.
All Year 8s took part in a Study Skills Time Management workshop this Term, which focussed on helping students take ownership of their time and responsibilities. Students were able to create a study routine, learn skills around prioritising tasks and creating an assessment schedule.
We received some very positive students feedback from the session, with 98% of students saying it was time well spent and 100% of students would recommend it to their peers.
It would be great to see the students take these skills into the Middle School and beyond, to help with their time management as the workload increases throughout their schooling journey.
Most recently the students have been very fortunate to take part in a self-care workshop, run by our Adolescent Health Nurse, Christalia Formoso. During this session, a variety of aspects of self-care were taught and discussed, with a focus on aspects of hygiene coming into adolescents. Thank you very much to Christalia and our Therapy Dog, Percy, for providing this opportunity for our Junior School students.
Ms Alice Paget
Director of Learning - Junior School
Sport Report
At the end of Term 1, we had many Volleyball teams go through and win their way to Regionals, these were the Year 7s Boys and Girls Team, the Year 8 Boys Team and our Intermediate Girls Team. Fast forward to the first few weeks of Term 2 and every one of those teams has played in their regional tournaments.
On the 4th of May, we had our Year 7 Boys and Girls Teams bring their A-game versing some tough schools where at the end of the day the Year 7 Boys Team stood victorious, taking them to play at the next round at the State Tournament. Our Year 7 Girls Team did their thing by playing their best, just coming through to Second Place. In a last-minute change, a team has pulled out giving our Year 7 girls an opportunity to go through to State Tournament as well A great effort from both the year 7 teams, what a way to start off high school!
The next team to play were our Year 8 Boys, on the 9th of May at the Dandenong Stadium. Playing their best games, the boys did extremely well on the day coming in second place. Although it was not the result the boys wanted, the boys did play well and had fun the whole day.
Our last Volleyball Team to play, were our Intermediate Girls Team. Playing on the 10th of May, the girls travelled to Dandenong Stadium and prepared for the day, just like our other Volleyball Teams, the girls brought their best and it showed, as, at the end of the day, the girls stood tall, undefeated and on their way to the State Finals.
We would like to say a huge congratulations to all our volleyball teams for making it to Regionals and playing their best games, and a huge congratulations to our Year 7 Boys Team and our Intermediate Girls Team for making it to State Finals.
In other Sports News, we have had our Intermediates play their Term 2 Gala Day Sports which consists of Netball, Soccer, Table Tennis and Badminton. Everyone who participated has said they had fun in their chosen sports. We had our Badminton Team play with absolute class, having our A-Team make it to Regionals and our B-Team staying undefeated throughout the whole day, Another huge congratulations to our Badminton Teams and good luck for Regionals.
Finally, we have our Year 7 and 8s training and preparing for their weekly sport against other schools in our district, We have teams all across the board, In sports such as Netball, Soccer and Badminton, so we wish them Goodluck for the games coming just around the corner.
Mr Kristian Gropel & TJ Euese
Sports Coordinator & Sports Assistant
Junior School Food Technology
This term our Year 8 students have been completing a unit on Healthy Eating. They have been cooking food in line with the Australian Guidelines for Healthy Eating. So far this term they have made apricot and coconut balls and baked sweet potato wedges with avocado aioli. They have also designed and cooked their own brown rice sushi recipe. It was great to see and taste what designs and flavour combinations they come up with!
Here are a few pictures of our talented students and their sushi:
Here is a picture for the Senior School too:
Ms Alice Paget
Director of Learning - Junior School &
Food Technology Teacher