Assistant Principal's Report 

Mrs Sue Simadri

Semester One Reports and Awards Assembly

We are rapidly approaching the end of the first semester of 2022, and teachers are busy finalising assessments and are entering data into student reports.


Semester reports will be available to parents, on Compass, in the first week of Term 3.


Please be aware that parents will need to go into Compass to see specific comments that teachers have made on the Common Assessment Tasks or SACs/Learning Tasks completed by students during the semester, as the reports will include just the grades for these assessed tasks.


On Monday 18th July, if we are able to come together, we will be recognising students across the school who have been nominated for an Academic or a Personal Best award. We look forward to, hopefully, welcoming families to our celebration of student achievement, which will commence at 10:30 am.

Course Selection for 2023

The end of Semester 1 is also the beginning of the course and subject selection process for the following year. This is an important time for students to make key decisions regarding elective choices and pathway programs. For our current Year 10/11 students, the changes brought about by the Senior Secondary Certificate Reform will see this decision-making process, as being even more critical. It is extremely important for students to engage in researching future pathways that are of interest so that they can make informed choices. The school will provide various forms of support, such as the Careers Expos that occurred last month, subject information sessions provided by Heads of Learning Areas, course information sessions and workshops, and course approval interviews. We trust that students will make the most of these sessions and take responsibility to ensure that they are well prepared for the interviews in early August. 


We hope to be running onsite Parent Information sessions to provide families with an opportunity to ask questions and clarify the changes to VCE/VCAL so they are in a better position to support their children in choosing the right program. Please block out Tuesday 19th July, Week 2 of Term 3, when these sessions will occur.

Victorian senior secondary education is changing

Victoria is transforming the delivery of senior secondary education with the introduction of a single senior secondary certificate that will offer greater access to quality vocational and applied learning pathways for all students. The senior secondary education reforms aim to provide access to education and training that is relevant, engaging and that delivers in-demand skills for the future world of work, ensuring that students can access education that leads to employment.


From 2023, more students will study the VCE, as VCE will include the Vocational Major, a 2-year program that sits within the VCE.

There will also be the Victorian Pathways Certificate for those who need flexibility in their learning.



Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) 



VCE includes Vocational Major

Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC)



The VCE Vocational Major is a 2-year applied learning program within the VCE. You will develop academic and work-related skills, knowledge and confidence. It will prepare you for work and further education and training.

When you graduate from secondary school, you'll graduate with the Victorian Certificate of Education, with the additional words 'Vocational Major'. There are no external assessments of VCE Vocational Major unit 3–4 sequences, and VCE Vocational Major studies do not receive a study score.



The Victorian Pathways Certificate is a flexible program. It is designed for a small number of students in years 11 and 12 who for various reasons, are not able or ready to undertake the VCE or the VCE Vocational Major. 


Mrs Sue Simadri

Assistant Principal

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