Parent Information

Payment Information
Payments can be made via Compass, credit card, BPay, or Eftpos. Please contact our office on 9546 3233 for further details.
Please note: Our office hours are 8:30am to 4:15pm, Monday to Friday during the school term.
Updating Your Contact, Custody and Medical Information
Have you moved house or changed phone numbers?
If so, please remember to fill in a ‘Change of Details’ form (attached below). The form can also be collected from the General Office. Please return this form as soon as possible. It is important that we have your most current details for general purposes and in the case of an emergency. It is also important that you keep your mobile phone and email address details up to date on Compass. This is to ensure you do not miss out on vital information, including student attendance alerts, student report information, curriculum days, etc.
Similarly, with emergency contact details, any custody arrangements and medical details, please ensure these are current.
Homestay Information
Westall SC College Blazer $130.00
Buy direct from the General Office
Sustainable Schools
Second-Hand Textbooks and Uniforms
Police Safety Advice
Autism Free Online Course
We know or work with someone with Autism; it could be a family member, neighbour or someone you see regularly at the supermarket.
It is important that we understand what Autism is and how we can be more inclusive and Autism-positive.
This free online course is suitable for everyone who potentially interacts or engages with Autistic people and communities. The course provides an introduction and overview of autism and how to be an autism-positive person.
After completing this short course, you will be able to:
- Understand what autism is, and the diversity of the experience of autism
- Understand the social model of disability and learn the importance of strengths-based language
- Understand what it means to experience the world as an Autistic person and appreciate the diversity and uniqueness of the Autistic community
- Identify practical ways to be an autism-positive person
The course is a foundational awareness-building experience and takes approximately one hour to complete all sections. It is a self-paced program containing written, audio and video content and can be completed from all devices in one sitting.
Refugee Week