Le Page Green Team 

Are you passionate about transforming our school into an eco-friendly, clean and sustainable place? Do you enjoy gardening, crafting with nature materials, recycling, and growing your own seeds and plants? Do you have a great idea how we could make our school a greener place for students, staff and wildlife? 


We hope to see you Wednesday!

Green Team




What a great start to the school year Le Page Green Team has had! It all culminated in the team coming together to run our Green Team Stall at last week’s Easter Night Market.

. It was a fantastic evening and our hard work resulted in $414 of donations towards future projects. We couldn’t have done it without the support of our wonderful students & their families. An extra special thanks must go out to the Aingaran, Loimaranta & Graham families who have helped to support The Green Tram throughout the Term. Our Student Leaders Lucy, Sahana and Mitch are passionate about sustainability and we feel very lucky to have them leading the way. 


Term 1 has been a busy one. Our major project for the term was to plan and start creating a new Edible Garden space. We are well on the way to realising our vision of a sustainable edible garden that promotes biodiversity & is water wise.


 Term 2 promises to be just as exciting. We will be extending our gardens and starting a soft plastics recycling program amongst many other smaller projects.


 We wish you a happy, healthy & safe term break and can’t wait to see you all in Term 2. 



