Fantastic 3/4

Year 3-4
Term 1 Week 10 2022 - Friday 8th of April
What have we been up to?
In Literacy, students have continued to read and write narratives. They have focused on:
- being able to answer various questions within a text,
- being able to define words to extend their word knowledge,
- being able to evaluate the author’s purpose to help understand the main idea of the text.
Students have been writing a narrative of their choice. They have worked hard, independently, to develop their stories and are excited to share them with their classmates and families!
In Maths, students have continued to learn how to use a range of strategies to solve subtraction problems. Students were also introduced to fact-families, which are three numbers that are related to each other, and can create four different number sentences using these numbers. We had lots of fun investigating all sorts of fact families!
In Inquiry, students finished their inquiry project on Australia’s states and territories. Each student chose a capital city, researching and recording notes using a graphic organiser. Students then wrote a letter to a friend, detailing man-made and natural landmarks that could be seen when visiting the city.
In Science, students finished their unit of work by completing an independent assessment of the Sun, Moon and Earth. They explored the relative sizes and rotational axes of each celestial body, as well as how day and night occurs on Earth.
Just a few reminders for our students and families:
- Tuesday 26 April - Term 2 begins
- Wednesday 27 April - Swimming begins. Year 3-4 students will depart school at 10:15am and return to school at 12:00pm. We ask, if possible, students come to school in their swimsuits to help eliminate time in change rooms. Students should pack their towels, goggles, and a change of clothes in a separate bag to bring to swimming.
- Friday 29 April - Anzac Day ceremony starting at 2:15pm. Parents are invited to attend.
- Thursday 5 May - Mothers Day stall will be available for students to purchase gifts. Please have your child bring in money if they are interested.
- Thursday 12 May - District Cross Country. Good luck to all the students who will be attending!
- Homework for Term 2. Each week on Monday, students will bring home their homework. We ask that each night students complete a look, say, cover, write, check for their 8 chosen words, read for 20 minutes a night and complete 1-3 My Numeracy activities, as well as an Essential Reading task. Please have students bring in their purple homework folder every Friday.
What is coming up?
Reading/Writing Next term, we will be focusing on reading and writing different information texts.
Maths Next term in Maths, we will be recognising the importance of using common units of measurement. Students will measure, order and compare objects using familiar metric units of length, area, mass and capacity.
Next term in Inquiry, students will investigate the importance of environments to animals and people and explore ways in which they can be protected. In Science, through hands-on activities, students will explore features of living things, and how living things can be grouped on the basis of observable features and can be distinguished from non-living things.
Here are some photos of what we have been up to over the last two weeks: