Prep Report

Congratulations to all students on an amazing first term! It has been great to see so many smiling faces each day, eager to learn and grow! Check out some of the wonderful learning we have been doing in the past 10 weeks...

Literacy Learning

What an amazing first term full of learning to get this year started! We have begun to develop our reading and writing skills through songs, talking, finger plays, games, stories, videos and cooking experiences. So far we have explored the letters Ss, Aa, Tt, Pp, Ii, and Nn and the first 10 Oxford words. Every day we love finding these letters and words around our classroom and in the books we are reading. We are also excited to share our writing and we are proud of how far we have come since day 1 of prep! 


Numeracy Learning

We began this term with learning about shapes.  It was fun to discover how many shapes are in our classroom and around our school. We also learnt that triangles have 3 sides and 3 corners, both squares and rectangles have 4 sides and 4 corners, and that circles are special because they do not have any sides or corners at all! Our next unit was called Patterns. We learnt that patterns are something that repeats over and over. We can  continue a pattern made by the teacher and even create our own using colours, numbers, shapes, objects, people, and letters. 


For our final unit of study this term, we began learning about numbers to 10. We have had lots of fun making number books to help us learn what each number looks like, help us to practise counting to each number, and write each number. We have also been learning new games that help us to use the Point and Count strategy. We know that this strategy makes sure we have counted all the objects and to count the correct number every time! 



Inquiry and SEL Learning

This term we have been getting to know our new school. We have had fun exploring all the places around our school, especially the canteen, the big gym, and the playgrounds! We have also been learning how to make new friends through games and role play. The 4 Zones of Regulation have helped us to identify our emotions. These help us when we are feeling sad, upset, or angry. Our goal is get back into the green zone, ready for learning. We have learnt that there are different strategies that we can use. These include the calming kit, listening to relaxing music, colouring, and getting a drink of water. 



This term we have started Prep-Grade 5 Buddies. Every fortnight, on Thursday, our Grade 5 Buddies come to visit us. We have been enjoying getting to know them through games, reading books, and drawing. 

Special Events

First Day of Prep


Team Building Incursion




  • Bring a labelled jacket 
  • Bring a labelled lunchbox with a healthy lunch, fruit snack, and water bottle
  • Bring spare clothes in case of an accident
  • Bring your red folder and diary everyday
  • PE is currently on Tuesdays so don't forget to wear your runners
  • Library is currently on Wednesdays. Students are only allowed to borrow a new book if they have returned their old one. 


We hope you all have a relaxing and well deserved school holidays and can not wait to hear about all the fun you had! 


Prep Team

Miss Reynolds, Mrs. Briggs, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick