Year 5 Report

Term 1 2022

Term One has almost come to an end and it has been wonderful to see the children so excited to be at school every day. The grade five students have a new-found respect and love for school and an appreciation for learning and spending time with their peers. The teachers have found it extremely rewarding to hear comments from the children such as; “Is it the end of the day already?” and “Time is going so fast”. When they are asked why they think time is moving so fast their response is, “Because we are having so much fun.” 

Below are some photos of activities the students have participated in during the term.


We wish the children a safe and happy term break.





                                                                  HARMONY DAY



                                                   TERM 1 MATHS TOPIC - PLACE VALUE















                                                       RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS


We are demonstrating the body language that expresses confidence.
We are demonstrating the body language that expresses confidence.



We are demonstrating the body language that expresses boredom.
We are demonstrating the body language that expresses boredom.






We are demonstrating the body language that expresses anger.
We are demonstrating the body language that expresses anger.
We are demonstrating the body language that expresses frustration.
We are demonstrating the body language that expresses frustration.



                                                                 GRADE 5/6 CAMP