Year 5/6 News

Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
PBL for this term will be run across two different foci. We will continue on with our Business focus from Term 1 with the students being split into three separate groups. Each group will run a business for the rest of the year. These business' were selected from the student's presentations at the end of last term. The three successful business' were the Community Garden, Coffee and Smoothies and Brownies.
Our other focus for this term is Civics and Citizenship which not only coincides with our upcoming camp but also ties in nicely with the current federal election. During this unit we will explore the major issues that will decide the election.
Thank you to everyone who attended our camp information evening via Zoom last Thursday. For anyone who was unable to attend, the presentation was posted via Skoolbag. If you have any questions please contact your child's homeroom teacher via email. Please keep sending in your medical forms to your child's homeroom teacher.
This term in Literacy the students are exploring and writing expository texts as a way to investigate Australia's Democracy. This ties in well with our PBL unit as we will need to explore what different systems create our government at all levels. Students will focus on using an unbiased tone and presenting facts. Students have also been taking workshops on beginning a writing 'Seed' to look into their own imagination for inspiration. As a part of our Deb Sukarna writing approach, students will be able to choose texts types they want to write and pick their own topics. Students have also been given rubrics so they can assess themselves and learn self management skills to identify their own learning needs.
Garden Club is back!
We are very excited to announce our Garden Club is back for 2022. The Year 5/6 students have taken on a leadership role in this, demonstrating safety, enthusiasm and creativity towards our garden space.
Elora designed a promotional poster to draw attention to other students on the re-introduction of Garden Club while Daniel and Marcel led the team in transferring an exploding strawberry plant!
Learning Intentions
Please have a look at what we are investigating and learning over the next fortnight.
Important Dates
Mother's Day School Assembly - Friday 6th May
Mother’s Day-Sunday 7th May
NAPLAN Weeks (Year 5, online) -Tuesday 10/05 - Friday 20/05
School Open Day - 9.30-10.30am & 2.30pm-3.30pm - Tuesday 17/05 -
Contact Details
5/6A Maxwell Allan
5/6D Anastasia Dullard
5/6SV Emma Sbizzirri & Matt Vernal
We kindly ask all emails for 5/6SV include both Emma and Matt.
Support Shane Giese
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.tart typing your article in here