Year 3/4 News

Welcome Back to Term 2!
We are so happy that we are all back in the classroom together for another Term. It has been pleasing to see all the 3/4 students settle easily back into school routines as we go further into the school year. It is a busy term ahead, but we have no doubt that the students will persevere and feel more accomplished at the end of it!
We want to send out a reminder to parents that homework is due Fridays, which includes their spelling and diaries. All students are now required to do both Task A and B for their weekly spelling homework. We also want to encourage students to keep up with their nightly reading and summarising in their diaries.
In PBL last week the students looked at the significance of ANZAC Day. They investigated First Nations servicemen or women and completed a fact file on them. The students were really engaged in this activity and were able to share what they had learnt with the class.
Later in the week, they continued to look at our First Nations people involved in the war and what that may have looked and felt like. We read a book called 'Alfred's War' by Rachel Bin Salleh and reflected on the meaning of the story and the sacrifices and contributions that they made.
The students then completed a journal entry from the perspective of someone about to go to war for the first time.
Here are some examples of their work. Some students wanted to make their work look more authentic and scrunched up their paper!
Students have been introduced to the skill of making connections. Making connections is when students make links between what they read and their prior knowledge. There are three kinds of connections students can make when they read:
- Text to self connection
- Text to text connection
- Text to world connection
Text to self connection is what students have been focussing on this fortnight. A text to self connection is when students relate what they read to their own personal experiences. An example of this is when students read a book about a family moving house and relates to their own experience of moving to a new home. This helps to make the story ore meaningful. Below are some examples of text to self connections that students have written.
Learning Intentions &
Important Dates
Mother's Day School Assembly - Friday 6th May
Mother’s Day-Sunday 7th May
NAPLAN Weeks (Year 3, online) -Tuesday 10/05 - Friday 20/05
School Open Day - 9.30-10.30am & 2.30pm-3.30pm - Tuesday 17/05 -