

Alleluia- Praise to the Risen Lord

Upon our return from the term break, as a school community, we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection of Jesus marks the beginning of New beginnings, New Life. Easter is a period of 40 days that celebrate the joy of the sacred Paschal Triduum- the three days that we recall Jesus’ time spent in the tomb, from Good Friday until Easter Sunday. 

During the Easter season, we gather with the Church and rejoice in the resurrection and ascension (returning to heaven at Pentecost) of the Lord, and the bestowal- the gifts of the Spirit. It is a period of renewal and commitment. The same mission that was taken up by the early Christian communities. It is a time to reflect on experiences and it is an orientation for spiritual growth. It is a time for rejoicing and celebrating. The word ALLELUIA means praise 'Yahweh' is alive. Therefore, we sing with great joy in our hearts and praise the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Blessings to Fr Simon Grainger PP

On the evening of Sunday 8, May 2022 Fr Simon will take leave for the first time since January 2020. While Fr Simon is away there will be Mass in our parish church every day from Tuesday to Sunday, six days a week. However, the only Mass on Saturdays will be the 9 am Mass, and the only Mass on Sundays will be the 10:30 am parish Mass. The normal weekend Mass schedule will resume from Saturday 2 July. 

Whilst away  Fr Simon will be making pilgrimages to many Holy places including the Basilica of the Madonna di Pompei near Naples and the Church of Santa Maria Della Salute in Venice.  Also, God willing plans to visit the village of San Lupo which many of our Italian parishioners come from. We wish Fr Simon all the best and ask the Lord to bless and protect him and keep him safe throughout his travels. 

In Fr Simon's absence as a school community, we will continue to gather in prayer and for para liturgies throughout the term.

The month of May - Celebrating Mary the Mother of the Church, Holy Mother of Jesus.

Historically the month of May for the Catholic Church is a time of devotion to Mary, Jesus' mother. During this time we reflect on the sacrifice, discipleship, and love Mary demonstrated throughout her life while on earth. Her devotion to God and the endless love for her son Jesus are all admired attributes. 


Pope Francis has encouraged the faithful to pray the Rosary during the month of May.

The formal prayer most recited at this time is the Hail Mary.