Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -

PDSSA Cross Country

This Wednesday is the PDSSA Cross Country at Bundoora Park where will have approximately fifty Years 3 - 6 students represent the school. The 10 year old age group will run 2km while the 11 and 12 year old students will run 3km. The top ten finishers in each age group will then continue onto the Division Cross Country at Bundoora Park on Wednesday June 1.



Inter School Sport

As previously mentioned the PDSSA have opted to adapt the Year 5/6 Inter School sport format to a single "Gala Day" for each sport rather than the weekly competition that we've been accustomed to. The dates for these days are Thursday June 9th for the boys and girls soccer and Friday June 17th for the netball and AFL football. The squads for these sports have been provisionally selected with training commencing last Friday.