Science Education

Julie Garbutt:

Welcome to Term 2. 


Foundation students are learning about living things. Students identified examples of living and non-living things including drawing examples that they could see in the school yard. Students also explored what living things need to stay alive. 

Year 1/2

In term 2, Year 1/2 students are learning how and why substances can be combined. Students explored three different mixtures and recorded their observations and ideas about the purpose of the mixture. 

Students then made a mixture with solid substances, exploring the smell, colour and texture. 

Year 3/4

In term 2, Year 3/4 students are learning that different living things have different life cycles and depend on each other and the environment to survive. Students will focus on exploring eucalyptus trees. Students observed several different trees and used a check list to determine if the tree was a eucalypt. Students also planned an investigation into whether light affects the germination of eucalyptus seeds.  

Year 5/6

Students are learning that energy from a variety of sources can be used to generate electricity. Students explored some initial concepts about energy including a definition, some different forms of energy, different sources of energy and some of the challenges and opportunities about energy. Students then investigated harnessing energy from movement by creating a water powered turbine.