Alumnae Events

Small Pleasures Lunch

As always, the Small Pleasures lunch held at Leonda on Saturday 27 October was a wonderful day showcasing everything  that is so special about the Sacré Cœur community.  

Kate Gibbs
Susie Smythe
Fashions on the Field
Anna Masters
Kate Gibbs
Susie Smythe
Fashions on the Field
Anna Masters

This is an excerpt from Kate Burley's welcome:

Today we have 357 wonderful women in the room supporting The Small Pleasures Fund.  A fund which was established to honour my sister in her fight with cancer and to support other alumnae members who may be experiencing a life threatening or debilitating illness or injury.  As a committee we are proud to put a smile on so many people’s faces at some very difficult times in their lives. 


To date we have provided a “small pleasure” to over 50 people to a value of over $45,000. We thank you for your continued support to enable us to do this.


These events don’t just happen. Behind the scenes the committee work tremendously hard to ensure we give you an action packed and fun filled day, but furthermore give of their time so generously to provide “small pleasures” to those in our community that need one.  I would like to publicly thank the continuing hard work of our amazing committee, Susie Smythe, Emma Fay, Ange Szeleczky, Natasha Vukelic and Nadia Mezzina.


In preparing for today I came across my sister’s speech that she read at our inaugural lunch, in it she said

“ I am no different to anyone else, I have mourned for the past, I worry about the future, I anticipate troubles and I struggle to live in the present wisely and earnestly. Over time I have mourned to be healthy and fit, mourned to jog around the tan and be more independent -  some of the stresses that I have endured have prevented me from living in the moment.  May we all learn how to live in the moment”


So today, I remind you, as my sister would have loved to: embrace life and live in the moment.

Kate Burley (1989)

Small Pleasures Cup

Turn the volume up and Click here to listen to the Small Pleasures Cup race call!