From the Presidents

Our first six months as Co-Presidents has been enjoyable and rewarding. The old adage A Job Shared is a Job Halved  is definitely a truism for us. However, it is the talented, creative and generous Alumnae Committee members who give the Association its esprit. They bring fresh ideas to our meetings and readily share their skills to ensure the success of our events throughout the year.


We enjoy a most amicable relationship with Anna Masters, our School Principal, and play an an integral role in the current School Community management committees and activities.

Many alumnae have participated in Class Reunions, the Mass of Remembrance, the Generations Afternoon Tea, the French Village Fair and the Small Pleasures Annual Lunch, during 2018.


Our success is due in great part to Melinda Adams, the Alumnae Relations Manager. She is the exemplar of Cor Unum. As well, Marian Andrews provides wonderful background support, ensures our events run smoothly and helps us leave the School without leaving a trace!          


We look forward to sharing Alumnae events with you in 2019. The AGM and High Tea is on Sunday 19 May and the Mass of Remembrance on Saturday 16 November.


We wish you and your families a Christmas season that is filled with love, happiness and peace.


Kerry Bergin and Marianne Cassin