Learning and Teaching
Learning and Teaching
The image above demonstrates how authentic and engaging home learning can and should be. Inspired by what he has learnt in the Food Technology modules of the INNOVATE program this term, Ned Pedder not only replicated the healthy chicken nuggets at home, but put together this wonderful family meal. Well done Ned!
Create Visual
Students in Create Visual have been learning a range of drawing and rendering techniques around the theme of the natural world. They have created these wonderful works in a variety of materials using a grid drawing technique. What talented and creative students we have at Beaumaris Secondary College!
The program has given students the opportunity to develop baking and cooking skills. They have made healthy blueberry muffins and delicious butter chicken. It was wonderful to see so many smiles as they ate their healthy food. The alternative sessions allow students to explore the 5 chair design challenge. The students worked in pairs to make 5 iterations of a chair for a user using different materials during a 75 minute session. The activity required persistence and flexibility of thought as they worked to make the chairs. The next session the students watched the Learning Pit video that was shown to parents at the parent information evening. They now have the language to describe being in the learning pit and discuss what strategies they would use to get out of the pit. It was interesting listening to their discussions and the thinking. A conversation starter at home could be—what is the shape of a dream?
Year 7 Parent Information Evening
It was fantastic to see almost all of our families able to attend our Information Night on Tuesday February 20th. COMPASS login details have been posted to those families unable to attend. Please contact the College on 85699200 if you are yet to receive these. Please also find attached a copy of the presentation from the night for your perusal.
Student Device and COMPASS tutorials
Please find attached video tutorials for student device and COMPASS use. Students worked through these tutorials in their GOAL Group sessions last week.