









Principal's Update

We are now halfway through the term albeit the shortest term.  We held a very well attended Year 7 Parent Information evening that provided parents with a more detailed overview of the curriculum and the Beaumaris Secondary College learning experience.  Parents also had the opportunity to meet with the GOAL mentors.  If you were unable to attend the evening, please see the presentation that can be found in this newsletter.


Student voice within the College enables Student Leaders to influence and motivate fellow students. They are curious, self-aware and confident in expressing their ideas. They are optimistic about the future.  They have a sense of pride and responsibility to each other, the school and the wider community.


At Beaumaris Secondary College we empower our students to adapt to a constantly changing world. We actively promote participation and shared decision making.  The selection process is comprehensive and gives students the opportunity to share their best selves with their peers and school leadership. There have been a significant number of students that have applied for school leadership.  I am very proud of the students who have put themselves forward to be part of the leadership team.  We will announce our student leadership team in the next newsletter. 


Last week, we provided students with time to clean and organise lockers.  They were given a folder with plastic pockets to store all of their worksheets.  It was a good opportunity to help them declutter their lockers and find missing items.  We are working with students to maintain their lockers so they can find their materials for learning.


Our students have begun to develop routines with their learning sessions and home learning.  We know that some students find it easier to complete home learning tasks at school or they just need extra support with their study habits.  We will be starting the Study and Learning Support (SLS) sessions after school this Thursday from 3:30pm to 4:30pm.  All students are welcome and we will recommend it to students needing a school structured study space.