Secondary 9/10 PreCAL

Community Experience
Our three groups have enjoyed trips to the Werribe Zoo, Royal Botanical Gardens, the National Gallery of Victoria, the La Trobe Wildlife centre & taken the ferry to Williamstown. There have been many tired but satisfied faces at the end of the day. It has been wonderful to hear the students chatting about their experiences with their classmates and enjoying the company of a different group of people on the experience day.
In reading the PreCAL classes are again focussing on comprehension strategies to assist them in understanding the texts they read. Classes are practising using images in the text to assist them in answering literal questions and have worked on identifying connections between texts and their personal experiences.
In writing the PreCAL classes have been working on revising and editing their work to improve their piece of writing. They have been reading their texts aloud and adding illustrations and diagrams to support the meaning of their text.
In Maths the PreCAL classes are revisiting addition with students working on finding the total of two collections and practicing the strategies they were exposed to earlier in the year. They have also wrapped up their final investigation on time by connecting familiar events to days of the week o month.
Social Competencies
Our 9/10 team has recently finished up their learning about Drug Education. This week we started our Personal Learning unit in which we focus on our attitudes towards school and getting ready to be great learners next week. Students have all identified their strengths in multiple areas such as word smarts, number smarts, person smarts, planning smarts, music smarts and physical smarts. Meanwhile, our PreCAL team finished up Drug Ed by looking at ‘healthy foods’ and ‘only sometimes foods’ to reinforce the concept that everything we put into our body has an effect.
Some websites to visit at home:
DrinkWise: (parents tab)
Drug and Alcohol information for parents:
Courtney King
Social Compentencies
STEAM in PreCAL has switched focus to science and chemical change. All of the classes are exploring the properties of different materials including solids, liquids and gases and how materials can change between the different states through the process of heating and cooling. The classes will be working hard each week to create some products which will be sold at our Christmas Concert at the end of term.