Secondary 7/8

The Secondary 7/8 Spectacular ‘Grease’ showcased students from 7/8’s acting, dancing and singing skills. Congratulations to all our students for their commitment during rehearsals.
The costumes looked stunning and the student dance routines were extremely entertaining and artfully choreographed.
A highlight in rehearsals was a cameo performance by Etaoin Waters, SEW teacher, doing a cartwheel and strutting like Rizzo.
On Friday 6th September most of our Yr. 7/8 Spectacular actors travelled to Wendouree Centre for Performing Arts to see Ballarat Specialist Senior School perform Grease.
Jake W summed up much of the group response to the performance:
‘The venue was a fancy theatre, the lighting was really cool. Looking at the different props they used, their car was 3D and was also really cool. The entertainment was good because the dances were all in time and they looked great. Their car was better than ours because it was 3D but I wished it went for longer, cause it was really good.’ For more student responses please visit the Concord Facebook page.
Integrated Learning
In our ‘Feathers, Fur and Leaves’ unit this term, SAL have been exploring the diverse habitats located in Australia and around the world (grasslands, tundras, deserts, forests, oceans and rainforests). They have been learning how different animals and plants adapt to their habitats and what they need to survive. Students delved deeper, studying the different layers of the oceans and rainforests that contain sub-habitats and are homes to many animals and plants.
SKH have been learning how to write descriptive and informative text. We have really improved in our writing because we now include heaps of adjectives and adverbs.
Alliteration is a fantastic, fun, fabulous, fine way to fancy up our descriptions. Writing is always amusing because our teachers make our lessons interesting. We write in all of our lessons in lots of different ways and we use technology as well. We are experts in using a dictionary to expand our vocabulary.
In reading sessions students have developed their literal and inferential comprehension strategies through teaching of both fiction and non-fiction texts. Most classes have successfully explored an array of comprehension strategies particularly making predictions, visualising, using context clues and questioning. The students have really enjoyed looking at different books from other cultures and figuring out how meaning is created through varied images and use of language.
Students have spent the last few weeks learning about money. They have enjoyed solving financial problems that they will use in their everyday lives. They have established how to count correct change and add money amounts, and applied their skills when shopping and handling money in the community.
Students have also begun sharing and making equal groups, they have transferred these skills when creating multiplication problems and are looking forward to working on division problems.
The PreCAL 7/8 team have been busy this term learning all about our wellbeing- starting with what we can do to improve our physical wellness. Building off of our work earlier in the year in Food Technology, we have been learning about where our food comes from, choosing healthy recipes, creating our shopping lists and purchasing these items at the shops. Our favourite part is creating these recipes and of course taste testing! We have also attended Personal Training sessions, learning all about how exercise makes us feel great!
Students in Secondary 7/8 have enjoyed participating in the Challenge Program. Students got the opportunity to enjoy a range of activities inside and outside of school. On a Thursday they would split into their Challenge groups, this gave them a chance to socialise and work with other students in the section. The range of activities included; golf at the LaTrobe Golf Park where students experienced a long driving range, bowling at Greensborough Tenpin Bowling, Action Sport for indoor games and soccer and cooking in our Food Tech room making and learning about delicious sausage rolls. Students enjoy a good challenge and it’s all about participating and being the best version of themselves.
Helen Edmonds
Team Leader