Welcome Back

Welcome back to Term Two!


 We hope everyone enjoyed a lovely Easter and a relaxing break over the holidays. Term One went by in a flash, but was a successful start to the school year for all Year Four students and teachers. 


Our highlights included the House Swimming Sports and the visit from Saints players, Josh Bruce and Jake Carlisle (in particular, the students teaching Josh how to floss!).


Term Two is shaping up to be a great one. We have lots of exciting activities planned, including our visit to Polly Woodside and the Ian Potter Gallery to finish off our First Contacts unit, many in-school visits and the House Cross-Country!


Kind regards, 


Adam Littlehales, Sandy Bassoukos, Alannah Rowell & Beth Tyrrell

Maths in Term 2

During this term emphasis will be placed on :

Skip counting, Multiplication and Division 

Students will skip count by numbers 1 - 10 and apply skip counting to solve problems. They will work on their recall of multiplication facts and find their related division facts. Students will also work on their mental and written strategies.

Shapes and objects

Students will extend their knowledge of shape and object properties. They will compare and describe how 2D shapes are made by splitting and combining other shapes. Students will also use nets and cross sections to explore 3D objects, and explain and compare the geometric properties of 2D and 3D objects.

English in Term 2

Our Term Two Writing sessions  will focus on information reports and persuasive letters. Students will look at the structure of these texts.


We will also look at how to write letters aimed at persuading members of the public.

Inquiry - Beneath Our Feet

This term the children will be exploring the Science topic “Beneath Our Feet”. We will be looking at the world and how it is constantly changing. Even things that we might consider immovable, such as mountains or rock formations are gradually changing, sometimes with processes that aren't visible in our lifetimes. The modifications might affect us either through catastrophic events such as landslides or through gradual processes that change the quality and composition of soils we rely upon for sustenance. This term, 'Mad About Science' will be visiting to conduct scientific investigations on how to identify and classify various rocks. 


Homework will continue to be sent home to compliment the learning the students are undertaking within the classroom.

Students will continue to complete ‘Big Writes’ throughout the term. Part of their homework in these weeks is to talk to as many people as they can about the topic. This helps them process their thoughts, expand their ideas and retain the information ready for their Big Write.

News Reports will also continue to be a part of the homework program this term, detailed information will be sent home in the coming weeks. 

Cross Country

This term, students will compete in their first cross country at BRPS on Wednesday 24th April. The event will take place in and around the school premises and is approximately 2km. This is roughly the same as running 6 laps around the oval. Students will be practicing prior to the day in preparation for the event.

Important Dates

House Cross Country

24th April


25th April

Mothers’ Day Stall


Mad About Science Incursion

9th and 11th May

District Cross-Country

10th May

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

12th June

Last Day of Term 2

Friday 29th June

2:30 pm Dismissal

Casual Days

Gold Coin Donations


27th April

25th May

29th June