Junior School News

Kindergarten - Routines and Friends

We have been working hard in Kindergarten over the past three weeks to learn new routines and make new friends. Here is what some of the students had to say!



I like playing with my friends. We play soccer. (William S)

Playing in the playground is fun. We run around together. (Charlotte)

The best thing about Kindergarten is playing with my friends. (Sophia)

I love playing on the iPads. (Tiana)

I like learning about numbers. (James H)

My buddy is kind and thoughtful. (Abigail)

I like playing with the teddys in the reading corner. (Paddy)



I like playing on the iPads. (Benny M)

We do lots of drawing, circle, squares and triangles. (Ella)

I like to paint castles. I used rainbow colours because they are my favourite. (Stella)

I like to play outside because I like to run around and make new friends. (Harry F)

I can kick the ball around with my friends and by year 6 buddy.  He is really good at playing soccer. (Jacob)

The best thing about Kindergarten is drawing and playing. I love the Barbies. (Elyse)

We painted Elmer the Elephant. I used blue, yellow, orange and pink. (Harper)

'TerraCycle used writing instruments recycling program' continues in 2020

Last year we took part in the “TerraCycle used writing instruments recycling program”. For every 1kg of accepted items we collected, our Community received $1 in donation points which will go into our Marist Solidarity Fund.

At the close of 2019 we posted in over 10kg’s of used writing equipment which will be recycled into other products which makes a huge impact on our environment! A special mention to the Engeler family for the 4kg’s they donated – outstanding contribution!

Please see the list of accepted waste below. Have a look around your home and office (especially if you work in an office environment) and send your waste into the College.

There will be collection points in both the Junior and Senior school and keep an eye on our new Kindergarten students – more to come from their clever little minds.

Kind regards, Mrs Debra Monte and Mrs Louise Limbrey

Volunteers are critical members of our College community and we warmly welcome current parents from K-12 to sign up to volunteer! Our College calendar is jam-packed with events throughout the year and we need YOU to help!


1. Please visit the College website, and under the ‘Current Parents’ tab you can register to become a volunteer (you will need your Working With Children Check Number) http://www.stgregs.nsw.edu.au/volunteering-at-st-gregorys

2. Once you have registered you will receive an email containing the "Expression of Interest for Volunteering in 2020 Form". This where you can ‘sign up’ to relevant events or activities across the calendar year (remember to check your junk email folder)


We look forward to seeing you at one of our events throughout the year!