Class of the week Prep L

Into the swing of school

We have started off well for our first year of school. We have been developing many friendships, learning the school routines and how to do different activities. 

Things we like so far

"I like our writing focus word 'ant'" Dinara

"I like doing sport with Mrs Sullivan" Declan

"I like practising my number formation" Jack

"I like tracing words" Elise

"I like learning to spell new words"  Angelina

"I like reading books as a class" Elaria

"I like doing Indonesian with Pak Kris" Isaac


Each morning before we start our learning we share a prayer together and reflect on things we are thankful for. We are learning to sit quietly during this time and how to do the sign of the cross.

Special Events

Last Tuesday we celebrated Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday marks the last day before Lent. We cooked pancakes and enjoyed eating them.


Focus word ‘cat’

Our first focus word for the year was ‘cat’. Our whole class and group activities have been linked with our focus word ‘cat’ and sentence ‘The cat sat on the mat.’ Some of the fun things we have been practising are our letter formation, writing our focus word and sentence and using our phoneme fists to sound out words. We made these oragami cats with our Buddy Class.


In Maths we have been learning how to play different activities to help us to better understand numbers.

The following are the activities we have enjoyed so far.


Writing the number before and after

Counting objects

Putting numbers in order

Number formation


Our Inquiry unit this term is ‘We Fit Together’. So far we have learnt about our school, our similarities and differences and how we can feel / make people feel safe at school. We continue to refer back to our school behaviour code.

We created an 'All About Me' Jigsaw with our  5/6 buddies.

We have discussed how our homes are special and gave a reason why different places in our homes are special and what we do in those places.

As shown below

Our self portraits.