Student Awards & Achievements

Students of the Week - 28th June assembly

JU1 - Shae

For the lovely presentation of her science investigation. Well done.

JU2 - Lucy

For adding detail to her writing about our Melbourne Museum excursion.

MU1 - Libby

For being the purr-fect Midnight Cat! Well done!

MU2 - Nil

MU3 - Sean

For moving out of his comfort zone to perform in a play. Well done Sean!

MU4 - Rufus

For writing a beautiful shape poem. Wonderful work Rufus!

MU5 - Lacie

For her outstanding efforts in spelling this Semester! Congratulations!

MU6 - James

For being respectful during project presentations by listening carefully and giving positive feedback.

MU7 - Tiana

For her amazing dedication towards school. Tiana is a responsible and respectful class member at all times. Amazing work.

MU8 - Cooper

For listening to feedback from his teacher and peers to help improve the quality of his work.

CU1 - Rachel

For super ideas in her Sustainable House designs and persuasive advertising poster.

CU2 - Ty

For his outstanding work with short and long division equations. You’re a legend!

CU3 - Oscar

For his outstanding efforts as part of CU3. Good luck at your new school superstar.

SU1 - Daisy

For being SUPER prepared for her student-led conference. You rock!!

SU2 - Katrina

For her amazing effort when presenting her student-led conference. You go girl!

SU3 - Amelia

The incredible effort she put into her student-led conference. You rock!!

Artists of the Week
