Library News 

Library Borrowing

Thank you to all those families that supported our library borrowing this year. It has been a great pleasure to see students pursuing their love for reading.  Hopefully Santa may leave a book in thier Christmas sack!

Thank You

I wish to acknowledge and thank Mrs Jean Sorrenson for her wonderful assistance in the library again this year. Her assistance with covering, cleaning, sorting and a myriad of other assorted activities has been of great benefit to our school.

Research Into Reading- Reminder

I read the recent biennial Scholastic 'Kids and Family Reading Report' published in 2019.  Among the many interesting facets of kids reading, was the prominence of what is known as the 'Summer Slide'. Thankfully, more parents are becoming aware of this phenomenon and take steps to alleviate it by encouraging their children to read. 

I encourage all families to see the summer break as a chance to share in  reading times together and allow their children to choose the literature being read as this has also been shown to improve their willingness to read.

To read the report in fuller detail, go to 

Electronic Borrowing- Avoid The Holiday Slide

Ebooks are a great option for students- especially during holiday periods. Our library system- Oliver- is accessible to all students using their school login details. Part of our catalogue are ebooks which students may download onto their own devices for use at home. These books are automatically returned which means no overdue books! I encourage students to browse the ebooks in Oliver.