Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community

Last Monday, I had the privilege of being invited to the Year Three/Four classrooms, and participate in the show case of their learning from their inquiry research. As a result of the experience, I came away with a heightened understanding of the fragile nature of our environment, in particular, around the crucial role bees have in the production of much of the food we eat. As a classroom teacher, I always made my class aware of the fact, that there was not one teacher in the classroom, but that in fact every member of the class was also a teacher. I would constantly remind my class, that if my students didn't take the opportunity of learning from each other, they were denying themselves many opportunities for learning that take place among their peers. I was reminded of this last Monday, even as a middle aged man, with over thirty years experience in education, that I am still learning. On Monday, my learning was as a result of the time I spent in the Year Three/ Four classrooms. Thank you to all these students.


Blessing of the Pets

Last Friday night, over fifty members of our school and wider parish community came together to celebrate the unconditional love of our pets. The animals and their owners were incredibly well behaved and apart from my dog Harvey, who nearly upended Katelin's goldfish, the cats, birds, bunnies, fish and dogs whilst being inquisitive of each other , kept a respectful distance. Thank you to those students who played a role on the night in the blessing.



Music from the Heart

Those parents who follow our school facebook page (if you do not, I encourage you to do so, as it is a great way to see what's happening in our school), will be aware that late last week and on Monday of this week, our students have been involved in recording a CD of their beautiful singing. A selected number of students spent some time last week in a recording studio in Thornbury. On Monday, the technicians from the studio came to the church, and all the students were recorded. It has been a very exciting and busy time for the students. I would like to express my appreciation to Kate our brilliant music teacher who has done so much work with great passion, organising this wonderful experience for our students.

A detailed letter will be sent home on Monday outlining information about the CD, and arrangements for our school concert on the 21st November.


Dinner Dance Hampers

Currently there is a display of hampers in the foyer of the school, which will be silent auction items at our upcoming school dinner dance. As of next week, all families are invited to make a bid on these items. Bids will close during the dinner dance. Thank you to Jodi and her helpers for all their work wrapping the items and setting up the display. Remember  the dinner dance is on Friday 15th November and tickets can be booked through the Trybooking link


Before School Supervision

A reminder as detailed in the letter that went home earlier this week, that the school gates will not be opened until  8.30am each morning. Students using the before school program will be able to access the yard up until 8.15am. Parents of students using the before school care program and needing to enter the school after 8.15am will have to ring Kartia to be let through the gate.



Congratulations to our two star athletes, Aleisha and Sienna who represented our school at the Region Athletics Championship at Meadowglen on Wednesday. You did really well girls, we are very proud of you.

Also to Jayden in Year Prep on the arrival late last week, of his new baby brother Sunny. Jayden's dad Peter has informed us that both Joyce and Sunny are doing well.


Yours sincerely,

Mark Tierney
