Student Voice & Community

Meiki, Maeve, Lachlan and Summer

Term 2 has seen some wonderful student events and initiatives, with excellent participation from school leaders, SRC members, Rainbow Alliance students and many other friendly helpers. 


This year’s School Formal held at Merrimu Receptions on Tuesday 20th June was an enormous success, and we as staff would love to congratulate the students on their fantastic outfits, exuberant dancing and their really excellent behaviour throughout the night. Many students embraced this year’s theme of Enchanted Forest and many arrived dressed in various ethereal interpretations of nature-based costumes, which we loved to see! Student-voted awards and the extremely loud cheering which followed each award were a highlight of the night, with winning sashes presented for the following categories: 


Best Dress - Charlee Lowe (Y12) & Amy Liddiat (Y11)

Best Suit - James Terrill (Y12) & Loudy Kieffer (Y11)

Best Dancer (a tie!) - Lulu Schori & Charlie Kearton Barry

Most Iconic Duo - Oli Briggs & Phoenix Rassavong

Coolest Outfit - Milo Moore

Most Extravagant Outfit (a tie!) - Maya Evans & Abby Marrs

Best Dressed Teacher - Joel Guye


We were so, so proud to have such a mature and wonderfully behaved cohort and even venue staff and photographers commented on the very positive energy our students brought to the night. 



Following this year’s exciting IDAHOBIT Day celebrations, we’re proud to report that the school’s online fundraiser to buy a new flagpole for the rainbow flag was very successful, and has seen us raise a total of $858.50 to go towards the flagpole, which we’re excited to see representing our diverse school community soon.


Just this week, the 2023 Hoodies arrived (finally!!) after a series of production delays, and we are SO thrilled to see students rocking the three final designs they voted for. A huge thanks to our student artists Bonnie Chadwick and Gigi Dougas for their creative artwork, immortalised in hoodie form!


Finally, applications and interviews for Year 11 Captains are underway, and we will have four finalist candidates addressing the student body in the whole-school Assembly in Week 1 of next Term: Annie Blezard, Helia Hosseini, Sienna Martino and Elle Watharow. We wish all four speakers all the best with their speeches and are excited to see the final results of the student vote for their year level representatives.


None of these successes would be possible without the collective efforts of our very supportive staff and we owe a massive thanks to Mary, Meiki, Lachlan, the Wellbeing team and all other staff members who regularly show up to help us out. We are also ever-thankful for the ongoing support from families which help our students show up with all the enthusiasm and energy it takes to run these events.


As we enter the well-deserved winter holidays, we hope everyone has the chance to reflect on all the great memories from the year so far, and look forward to more great events next term! 


Wishing you all a safe and fantastic holiday!

Maeve and the SRC