From the Desk of the Y12 Manager

Gita, Claire and Marcus

Congratulations on completing Unit 3. Those students who completed Unit 3 successfully are now enrolled in Unit 4. Semester 2 has begun and attendance has rolled over with a new start. Remember attendance and punctuality are key performance indicators along with completing SACs/SATs and coursework on time. 


As per the attendance policy, students are allowed 8 absences (4 doubles) in a Semester to accommodate for sickness and personal circumstances. If they go over that, parents and students will receive notifications advising them that students have to redeem missed classes. This will only be permitted until they reach a total of 16 absences after which they will be removed from the class which could compromise their VCE this year. Therefore it is very important that students attend and get the work done regularly. Students who have Wellbeing attendance provision have slightly altered attendance requirements and will receive a message from Wellbeing for Semester 2.


We are also rewarding the top scorers under the categories of academic excellence and highly commended in Unit 3 in each class and they will be receiving certificates next term.


A further reward for all the hard work in Unit 3 was the School Formal on 20 June. Needless to say, all had good, clean fun.


Have a restful break in the upcoming holidays and ensure that you have organised all your Unit 3 notes so they are ready when you start revision in the September holidays. Remember this Semester is really short as most subjects will complete Unit 4 by September 17 when the next term holidays start. Term 4 is mostly exam revision in class for 2 weeks before we head into the exams.


Best regards,

Gita Menon- Year 12 Manager

Claire Congreave-Assistant Year 12 Manager

Marcus Laging- Assistant Year 12 Manager