Assessment & Reporting

Joel Guye

Dear Parents, Guardians, Carers and Students,


Semester One reports will be published on Compass and available for you to view after 4:00PM Friday, 23rd June.  


End of semester reports are published to students, parents, guardians and carers twice a year for Year 11 and 12students. Reports for each subject include satisfactory or unsatisfactory completion of the unit overall and each individual outcome, an assessment of the student’s work habits and an overall level of achievement on the 1 – 5scale below. Feedback provided on student SACs via Learning Tasks throughout the semester on Compass is also summarised and replicated in the Semester Report.


Level of achievement


1. The student has demonstrated limited knowledge and skills associated with the unit.


2. The student has demonstrated adequate knowledge and skills and has been able to apply these in some instances.


3. The student has demonstrated sound knowledge and skills and has been able to apply these in a range of instances.


4. The student has demonstrated thorough knowledge and skills and has been able to apply these in most instances.


5. The student has demonstrated extensive knowledge and skills that have been consistently applied with a degree of complexity and/or insight.


UG Insufficient work completed to demonstrate knowledge and skills associated with the unit.


In addition, Mentors write a report that sums up the student’s progress across all studies and their engagement with the program, making some suggestions for improved performance in the next semester or year. 


It is important for both students and their parents, guardians, or carers to view the semester reports as an opportunity to make some changes to improve their skills and knowledge in their subjects. The reports should be seen as an opportunity to set new goals or refine the ones students made at the beginning of the year.


Some advice on how to use the reports for improvement:


1. Students should note down comments from each subject report that identifies their strengths. These are the skills that the student has shown the most competency with and should be noted as opportunities for “refinement”.


2. Students should note down areas of improvement noted by their teachers in each subject. These are the skills that students need to prioritise next term for immediate improvement. When students tackle coursework and assessment tasks in the future, these skills should be the ones they are focussing on to turn them into strengths.


3. Students should write down one question for each subject report that arises from reading the teacher’s feedback. These questions can be used to stimulate discussion with the teacher, but more importantly at home about what can be done to improve. Clear strategies for improvement should develop from these conversations.


Over the holiday break please ensure that parents, guardians, carers and students log onto Compass to view the Semester One reports. Students should be using the holidays as not only an opportunity to reflect on their performances in Semester One, but a chance to get ahead with their work for the upcoming term. This means setting aside time to complete any holiday homework set by their teachers and reading ahead for their subjects.


The College wishes everyone from the Swinburne Senior community a safe and healthy mid-year break and we are looking forward to helping our students achieve their learning goals in the second half of the year.



Joel Guye