From the Desk of the Assistant Principal

Robert Lewkowicz

Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Staff,


As we come to the end of another successful term, we reflect on the incredible journey we have had together. This term has been filled with academic achievements, memorable events, and personal growth. Let's take a moment to celebrate some of the highlights that have made this term truly exceptional.


I am thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated School Formal was a resounding success! On Tuesday, June 20, our students gathered at Merrimu Receptions for a night filled with elegance, laughter, and unforgettable memories. The atmosphere was electric as our students showcased their style and grace on the dance floor. We would like to extend our heartfelt appreciation to the organising committee for their hard work and dedication in making this event a memorable one. We also want to thank all the students who attended, as your enthusiasm and positive spirit made the evening truly magical. 


To our students, we commend your commitment and determination throughout the term. The General Achievement Test (GAT) was held on Thursday, June 15th, and we are proud of your efforts in preparing for this important examination. The GAT provides a valuable opportunity to demonstrate your skills and knowledge across various subjects, and it plays a significant role in assessing your academic progress. We appreciate the hard work put in by both the students and the teaching staff to ensure a smooth and successful examination.  


This term has witnessed remarkable achievements across various subject areas, and we want to recognise and celebrate the accomplishments of our students. From academic achievements to artistic endeavours, each achievement is a testament to the dedication and passion of our students. Your hard work, perseverance, and talent have brought great pride to our school community. We encourage you to continue pushing your boundaries and striving for excellence in all your endeavours.


As we embark on the upcoming holiday break, we hope you take the time to relax, recharge, and enjoy quality time with your family and friends. The next term promises new opportunities, challenges, and growth, and we are excited to continue supporting and guiding you along this journey.


We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our devoted staff, parents and careers for your continuous support. Your collaboration and involvement play a crucial role in creating a vibrant and successful learning environment for our students. Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable holiday break. We eagerly await your return, refreshed and ready to embrace the new term!


Robert Lewkowicz