From the Desk of the Principal's Office

Daryl Bennett

As term 2 comes to an end I would like to thank the amazing staff at Swinburne who have contributed so much to the school during the term. I would also like to thank the students and the carers and parents who support the work of the school. We are working hard to continually improve our school with respect, responsibility and commitment. 


During the term Robert Lewkowicz has informed me that he will be taking leave at the end of 2023 and then retiring, thus this will be his last year at Swinburne. Robert has been at Swinburne for 40 years, 15 as Assistant Principal. This is a significant change for the school. We have commenced planning a series of events that will give Robert the send off he deserves and will give more information as the year progresses.


The formal on Tuesday 20 June was a highlight of the term where we could truly see our kind, inclusive and diverse community celebrate together. It was a wonderful night of fun and laughter. A special thanks to Mary Skantzos for her leadership and work, and to all staff who supported this event.


We will welcome back Glenn Morris from leave at the start of term 3, and would like to thank Rachel Baxendale for her willingness to step in and support the Philosophy students during Glenn’s leave. I would also like to thank Gita Menon for taking on an additional class for the term and teaching the Year 12 Global Politics class. 


We also welcome Mimi Jovanovska back from leave and look forward to having her back in the science lab and general office. 


Tameka Carter has decided to take leave in term three, a decision supported by the school. We have arranged for Addison to take her classes for the term. We know that they will be supported generously by the Art team for the term. We thank the team in advance for this support especially Claire Congreave and Ariela Nucci.


Term 3 will be on us soon and we know that this is a critical time for students at Swinburne as they work towards the end of the year. I hope that you all take the opportunity to rest and rejuvenate, but also take the time to prepare for a full term of learning for the term ahead. Preparation will assist you in dealing with the demands of the term and insulate you from unnecessary stress. 


I wish all staff, students and their families a safe, relaxing and enjoyable holiday break.



Kind regards,


