Term 2

During term two, students participated in a wide range of special events and engaging activities that not only enriched their academic experience but also fostered a sense of community and collaboration amongst our students. Through these shared experiences, students learned the value of teamwork and the importance of following directions to achieve success. These events, ranging from Mother's and Special Person's Day Activities to Reconciliation Week, provided valuable opportunities for students to celebrate important themes. They also developed essential skills which enabled them to explore their interests and make meaningful connections with their peers and teachers.
During National Reconciliation Week, our students have been exposed to an understanding of reconciliation and the importance of fostering respectful relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and non Indigenous Australians. Students engaged appropriate activities such as: story telling and arts and crafts that promote cultural awareness and appreciation.
This term we have consolidated our Little Learners Love Literacy phonics and decoding program which has driven some fantastic progress in many of our students. Through fun, hands-on and engaging activities students have been matching sounds with letters, then using this knowledge to read words, sentences and books targeted to their level. Across the board we have seen growth and confidence in the students, which will be foundational for them to read more complicated texts and start the journey of creating their own. Thanks to all of the families out there who are supporting this learning by reading every night with and to your child.
This Term, students in LPG, LPH and LPI were lucky enough to host a fun afternoon to celebrate Mother's and Special Person’s Day. We learnt how to write an invitation to someone and then sent it home to our special person so they could attend and complete some fun activities together in our classroom. Some of the activities included making orange and lavender scented bath salts, a beaded necklace, a dress up corner to take some fun photos and of course they spent some time going through their wonderful work and cards they made for their special person. All students were very excited to spend time with their special person in their classroom and a fun afternoon was had by everyone.
This term, students in LPJ and LPK have participated in a range of weekly language experiences to develop their oral language skills. Students have engaged in different activities including bubble play, shaving cream, decorating gingerbread men, making playdoh and musical bottles. The students have enjoyed these hands-on activities and looking at their photos for writing the following week to support their recall of the experience. Aided Language Displays and communication devices have also supported the students to recall a given experience and exposed students to targeted vocabulary. We are looking forward to participating in weekly language experiences in Semester Two!
Occupation Therapy
It has been great seeing the Lower Primary children every week! Students are loving their regular OT sessions, where various skills are targeted including fine and gross motor, body awareness and sensory regulation. Students have particularly loved fun PMP activities, playing with and feeding Hartley the cat using the tongs and completing experiments to determine how their body is feeling!
Speech Pathology
During Term 2 students in LPD have been working to develop their comprehension skills supported by colourful semantics visuals. Students answered simple questions based on a familiar picture scene. They also enjoyed rolling the question dice and asking their peers questions.
Our Lower Primary specialist programs began with an exciting visit from the Melbourne Museum. The Dinosaur and Fossil Incursion visited Lower Primary students as an introduction to learning all about dinosaurs in the Library program this semester. Students were given a hands on experience to explore fossils and even got up close with the replica Tarbosaurus skull. The students had a very fun and memorable time learning the Auslan signs for various dinosaur names, moving around like dinosaurs and getting up close to dinosaur teeth, bones and fossils. Through fiction and nonfiction text, our students were transferred back to millions of years ago when dinosaurs roamed our Earth.
Have a lovely break and see you all next term