
Work Experience Update:

Year 10s

I was excited to visit and connect with some of our Year 10 students who organised and completed their PLP Work Placements during the recent school holidays. 

Many other students have submitted their compulsory Work Experience Agreement Form in readiness for their placements in Week 10 this term (3-7th July). Our expectation is that all forms for Work Experience will be returned to PLP teachers by Friday 2 June. Students who have any questions regarding the requirements should discuss this with their PLP teacher or contact Mrs Fitridge for further clarification and support.

Career Creation Morning:

Year 10s

We are excited to be holding our first Career Morning with the Year 10 students on 

Thursday 29 June here at the College. We have invited Universities, TAFE and other education and training providers to the College to share the possibilities for further training and careers with the students. The timing of this new event is carefully considered factoring in the move into Term 3 and commence the Subject Selection Process with families. Further details of this exciting event will be published later this term.


One intention of this morning is to share firsthand career journeys with our students. We are keen to hear from members of our community with interesting and unique career experiences who would be willing to be part of our ‘Q and A Panel’ on the day. 

We would need you at the College from

9.30am -10.30am on the day and would love you to stay a little longer for morning tea and more casual interaction with students if this suits you. 


If this sounds like something you would be interested in helping us with, I would love to hear from you. I am happy to answer any further questions you may have either by contacting me by phone or email at the College.


Annie Fitridge

Student Pathways Leader