Around the College

Business Innovation Week

The Year 11 Business students recently showcased their entrepreneurial skills during Business Innovation Week. The students planned and manned stalls during the lunchtimes of Wednesday 10 to Friday 12 May.

With the smells of the barbecue wafting through the mall, each lunchtime was abuzz with students and teachers sampling delicious products, from fried rice and kebabs to cupcakes and smoothies. One innovative group even sold sneaker cleaning kits that they put together from scratch, embellishing their marketing campaign with skilled graphic design and video presentations. Students coupled their product offerings with surveys to test the viability of their business ideas.

Overall, it was a successful week and the students learned some vital lessons while having fun and earning some profit. 

Half of the profits were given to the Vietnam Veterans Charity, which funds two orphanages in Ba Ria, Vietnam. 

Lianne Zilm

Business Innovation Teacher

Year 10 Health and Wellbeing Day

On Thursday 18 May, the Year 10 students participated in their second Health and Wellbeing Day. This year's event had a special focus on Developing Healthy Relationships, aiming to equip our students with the knowledge and skills necessary for fostering positive connections with oneself and others. The day was filled with engaging presentations and workshops, each offering valuable insights into various aspects of personal growth and relationship development.


The Carly Ryan Foundation, an organisation dedicated to promoting online safety, delivered a thought-provoking presentation that highlighted the importance of protecting oneself in the digital world. With the ever-increasing prevalence of social media and online communication, their session served as an eye-opening reminder of the potential risks and dangers, as well as strategies to stay safe and maintain healthy boundaries in the virtual realm.


Another inspiring presentation was led by InYourSkin, an organisation specialising in promoting healthy and respectful relationships. Through their interactive workshop, they encouraged students to explore the essential qualities of healthy relationships and emphasised the significance of empathy, communication, and mutual respect. Their session aimed to equip students with the tools needed to build strong, positive connections with their peers, family, and the wider community.

Fletcher Clark, from UniSA provided valuable insights into the importance of nutrition and exercise for overall wellbeing. Their session emphasized the role of balanced diets, regular physical activity, and the impact these have on mental health and productivity. Students were empowered with practical tips to make healthier choices in their daily lives, ensuring they are nourishing their bodies and minds for optimal performance.

Courtney Asser from The Mindset Project delivered an empowering presentation centered on self-belief, personal growth, and being the best version of oneself. Through engaging activities and discussions, students were encouraged to develop a growth mindset, embracing challenges, and learning from setbacks. The session aimed to inspire our students to cultivate a positive self-image, boost resilience, and set meaningful goals for their future.


Teamwork and communication were key themes in the session led by the NRLSA (National Rugby League South Australia) and our Year 12 Leaders. Through a series of engaging activities and team-building exercises, students learned the importance of effective collaboration, clear communication, and mutual support. This interactive workshop aimed to develop students' social skills, fostering an environment where cooperation and respect thrive.


As parents, we encourage you to continue these important conversations at home, reinforcing the key messages shared during the event. By engaging in open and supportive dialogue with your children, you can help them navigate the complexities of relationships and personal growth.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the speakers and organisations involved in making the Year 10 Health and Wellbeing Day a memorable experience.


Veronica Falero

Year 10 Year Level Leader

Project-Based Learning in the Middle Years

In Terms 2, 3 and 4, our Middle Years students engage in a range of interdisciplinary Project Based Learning units that are designed to connect our young people to local and global communities. Project Based Learning provides our students with the conditions to have more agency during the learning process and to find real world solutions to problems either independently or as part of a team. 

Our Vision for Learners attributes, which are currently reflected on during Care Group Connection evenings are becoming an alternative way to assess the learning that is achieved through these projects. The content and skills of our project designs are guided by the Australian Curriculum; goal setting, self reflection, peer feedback and authentic community connection are integrated into the process of learning.  These capabilities are essential skills not only at school but for life. 

‘Speak Out’ 

Year 8 students have started ‘Speak Out’, a Project Based Learning unit that combines English and Christian Living and is guided by the Vision for Learners principle – Interdependence. 

The project launch last week was an inspiring event as students were able to attend a Poetry In Action workshop performance – ‘International Anthem’. At the end of the week, students listened to stories shared by two amazing women; Rikki Cooke, CEO of Treasure Boxes and Melak a social worker and artist at Carclew who came to Australia as a refugee. 

Through the process of the project, students will create and perform their own spoken word poem to advocate for those in our community who cannot speak up for themselves. Students reflect on stories from the Bible such as The Good Samaritan to enhance their understanding of this theme. The project will culminate in a performance to the College community in Week 9 which is visually supported by Year 8 Art work and connected to the social justice theme. We are so excited to see how students grow throughout this project and the way they support one another in their learning. 

Kirsty Hansen

Leader of Middle Years Learning and Innovation